Τι μας ξεχωρίζει
Στόχος της εταιρείας μας είναι να ενημερώνεται αμέσως για τις νέες εξελίξεις στην παγκόσμια αγορά και την άμεση αφομοίωση τους στα καταστήματά μας. Νέες καινοτομίες πάνω στα μηχανήματα και στα προιόντα καθαρισμού παράγονται συνεχώς προσπαθώντας οι εταιρίες να ανταποκριθούν στην ανάγκη όπου παρουσιάζεται καθημερινά, λόγω της χρήσης πολλών και διαφορετικών υφασμάτων που χρησιμοποιούν οι βιομηχανίες παραγωγής ρούχων και συναφή ειδών. Μέσω της άμεσης ενημέρωσης και συμμετοχής σε σεμινάρια αυτών των εταιρειών, μπορούμε να έχουμε στα χέρια μας εργαλεία που μας δίνουν ευελιξία και λύσεις στον καθαρισμό των δύσκολων λεκέδων με την μέγιστη ασφάλεια των ρούχων. Στόχος μας είναι μέσω των 4 (τεσσάρων) σημείων ελέγχου της παραγωγικής μας διαδικασίας, να δίνουμε το απόλυτο αποτέλεσμα με ασφάλεια στον ρουχισμό των πελατών μας.
Η ιστορία του του καθαριστηρίου
Laundry & Dry Cleaning Foundation
Founded in 1990, we follow a dream and an We aim to serve our customers in a way that far exceeds expectation. Being one of the leading laundry service providers, we know our customers’ mindset. It is not easy to come home from a hectic day at the office and rush to the nearest laundry service with your clothes. So, we have an array of services to make things easy for you. You need not tolerate late deliveries, low standard of work merged with high prices. Our services cater to all your laundering and ironing, dry cleaning, shoe repairs, upholstery cleaning, etc. Our highly efficient employees ensure you face no difficulty, the technology we use is state of the art and the service we provide is incredibly good.
Laundry & Dry Cleaning Foundation
Founded in 1990, we follow a dream and an We aim to serve our customers in a way that far exceeds expectation. Being one of the leading laundry service providers, we know our customers’ mindset. It is not easy to come home from a hectic day at the office and rush to the nearest laundry service with your clothes. So, we have an array of services to make things easy for you. You need not tolerate late deliveries, low standard of work merged with high prices. Our services cater to all your laundering and ironing, dry cleaning, shoe repairs, upholstery cleaning, etc. Our highly efficient employees ensure you face no difficulty, the technology we use is state of the art and the service we provide is incredibly good.
Laundry & Dry Cleaning Foundation
Founded in 1990, we follow a dream and an We aim to serve our customers in a way that far exceeds expectation. Being one of the leading laundry service providers, we know our customers’ mindset. It is not easy to come home from a hectic day at the office and rush to the nearest laundry service with your clothes. So, we have an array of services to make things easy for you. You need not tolerate late deliveries, low standard of work merged with high prices. Our services cater to all your laundering and ironing, dry cleaning, shoe repairs, upholstery cleaning, etc. Our highly efficient employees ensure you face no difficulty, the technology we use is state of the art and the service we provide is incredibly good.